Alphabetically sorted, separated by color, thematically bundled - we sort our everyday life and realize once again: It all depends on the right helpers.
You're starting to notice, aren't you? It's light earlier and dark later. The sun is back in our latitudes. We bring it into the living room.
Did you know that the international cry for help originated from the French term "M'aidez!", which means "Help me!"?
You will recognize our own products at the M, because we believe that there's no such thing as impossible. That's why we make things ourselves that are not available the way we would like them to be. Or we make things that do exist better.
Freshly arrived: Issue #5 of our catalog. With a wide variety of products, background stories and design-related topics.
We share a common attitude with all our manufacturers: we sell well-designed products and take a critical look at materials and manufacturing processes.
Are you planning a major interior design project? Are you an architect, interior designer or entrepreneur? Then get in touch with us!
In our stores in Stuttgart, Bonn and Munich, you are right in the middle of the world of MAGAZIN products. Take a look at what interests you, touch the products and try them out.