
Disposal of old electrical appliances

Dispose of batteries and rechargeable batteries in an environmentally friendly manner

Batteries and accumulators (rechargeable batteries) contain resources and harmful substances. Every consumer is therefore legally obliged to dispose of used batteries and accumulators at an authorized collection point. This ensures that they are recycled in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner.

Batteries containing harmful substances are marked with the chemical symbols Cd for cadmium, Hg for mercury and Pb for lead. Batteries are marked with this symbol, which means that batteries must not be disposed of with household waste:

Household batteries and rechargeable batteries can be returned to any Manufactum department store and any Magazin store. In addition, batteries and rechargeable batteries can be returned free of charge wherever comparable products are sold - regardless of where they were purchased and regardless of brand and type. Please tape the terminals of high-performance batteries before handing them in at the collection point to avoid short circuits. Please hand in defective batteries at the hazardous waste collection point at your local recycling centre.

Dispose of old electrical appliances in an environmentally friendly way

Electrical appliances are marked with the following symbol, which means that electrical and electronic appliances must not be disposed of with household waste:

Electrical appliances contain valuable resources and harmful substances. Every consumer is therefore legally obliged to dispose of old electrical appliances at an approved collection or take-back point, for example at a local recycling center. Waste electrical and electronic equipment is accepted there free of charge and recycled in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner. You can also find approved collection points in your area at Old electrical appliances with an edge length of up to 25 cm are accepted there free of charge - regardless of the number of old appliances you have. The prerequisite for the acceptance of appliances with an edge length greater than 25 cm at the take-e-back collection points is that you have purchased a new appliance from us and can prove this by presenting a corresponding proof of purchase.

Free collection of old appliances

If a new appliance of categories 1, 2 or 4 of the Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act is delivered to your private household, you have the legal option of having an old appliance of the same type, which essentially fulfills the same functions as the new appliance, collected free of charge. You will therefore be asked directly during the ordering process whether you wish to return an old appliance when the new appliance is delivered.

Why do old electrical appliances have to be handed in at a collection point?

Electrical appliances contain valuable resources and harmful substances. The collection points give the old appliances to certified waste management companies, which first check whether the appliances can be refurbished and reused. Ideally, old products can be refurbished. If reuse is not possible, the old appliances are treated accordingly. Harmful substances are removed from the appliances and valuable resources are recycled. This protects the environment and conserves dwindling resources.

Note on waste avoidance

In accordance with the provisions of Directive 2008/98/EC on waste and its implementation in the legislation of the Member States of the European Union, waste prevention measures take precedence over waste management measures. In the case of electrical and electronic equipment, waste prevention measures include, in particular, extending the service life of defective equipment by repairing it and selling used equipment in good working order instead of disposing of it. Further information can be found in the waste prevention program of the federal government with the participation of the federal states:

Please remove batteries, rechargeable batteries and lamps/illuminants

Please remove old batteries and rechargeable batteries that are not enclosed by the old electrical appliance before handing them in. Please dispose of them as described above. Please also remove lamps/illuminants that can be removed from the old appliance without destroying them before handing in old electrical appliances. Please then dispose of both separately as described below.

Do not forget to delete data

Please note: Each consumer is responsible for deleting personal data from the electrical or electronic device.

Dispose of lamps/light bulbs and luminaires in an environmentally friendly manner

Most lamps/lighting equipment (compact and tubular fluorescent lamps, energy-saving lamps, discharge lamps and LEDs) contain harmful substances and resources. Every consumer is therefore legally obliged to dispose of them at an authorized collection point. This ensures that they are recycled in an environmentally friendly and resource-saving manner. You can dispose of lamps/light bulbs and luminaires free of charge at your local recycling center. You can also find approved collection points in your area at Lamps/lighting equipment and luminaires are accepted there free of charge Compact fluorescent lamps, metal halide lamps, fluorescent tubes and neon lamps may contain small amounts of mercury. Please avoid skin contact with damaged lamps! Collect the fragments with damp paper or a piece of cardboard and pack the remains airtight, for example in a glass jar with a screw cap, for transportation to the recycling depot or hazardous waste collection point. Ventilate the room for approx. 30 minutes. Please do not vacuum up the fragments with a vacuum cleaner Incandescent lamps and halogen lamps may be disposed of with household waste. If you are not sure what type of lamp it is, please take it to a suitable collection point.